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Add a simple product in WooCommerce

The most important thing for any online store is its products. In the article below, you'll learn how to add a simple product to your WooCommerce store from inside the WordPress dashboard.

Need to add a product that a user can customize during checkout? See our article on how to create a variable products in WooCommerce for more information or learn about the various different product types.

  1. Start by logging into your WordPress site.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click Products to access your WooCommerce products.

  3. You'll notice that the Products section has now expanded. To begin adding a new product, click on Add New from within the expanded Products section.

  4. It's time to start filling out information about your new product. Start by entering the name of your product within the Product name field at the top of the screen.

  5. Below the product name is the Product Description field. Similar to the body content of a standard WordPress post or page, this field supports rich editing to create customized product descriptions, providing more information to potential customers.

  6. Next, we're going to start configuring additional product data. By default, the Product data dropdown should be set to Simple product. If not, be sure to set it as such.

    For more information on creating additional content types, see our WooCommerce products overview page to learn more.

  7. Within the Product data section, there are a multitude of options available for customizing your product to your exact needs. For the purposes of this article, we won't go over them all, but we recommend at least visiting the General tab and entering your Product price.

    For more information on the various options available when creating a simple product, see our Add an image for a product in WooCommerce.

  8. Below the Product data section is the Product short description field. Similar to the Product description field mentioned previously, this field contains information about your product, but as a shorter description. Depending on your theme and how your products are displayed, this is typically shown in areas that would require brief information, such as search results or other locations where multiple products may be listed.

  9. When adding products to your site, you'll usually want to include an image of the product. On the right side of the page, locate the Product image section and click on the Set product image link to upload an image of your product or select an existing image that already exists within your WordPress media gallery. This image will be used as the primary image for your product.

  10. If you have multiple images of your product that you want to include, additional images of your product can be included by using the Product gallery section.

  11. For a better customer experience, especially when a large number of products exist on a single storefront, it's best to place products within relevant categories. To categorize your new product, use the Product categories section to add and select any relevant categories where you product should be included.

  12. With the initial options configured for your new product, you're ready to make your product visible on your WooCommerce site. To publish your new product, click on the Publish button at the top-right of the page.

Optionally, if you're not quite ready to publish your changes, you can save them for later by clicking on the Save Draft button.

Next steps

More info

For more detailed information about managing product types, categories, and tags, check out this WooCommerce documentation. If you want to add a product that has options, such as sweaters with different sizes, then you can review WooCommerce's documentation on variable products.