Managed WordPress Ecommerce 도움말

Create a custom order status in Managed WooCommerce Stores

The WooCommerce order status system offers standard statuses for your orders, but if you'd like custom statuses, you're in the right place.

In this article, we'll discuss how you can create custom order statuses like Designing, Awaiting Shipment, or Waiting on Materials. With some basic code, you can add these custom order statuses.

Standard WooCommerce order statuses

  • Completed
  • Processing
  • Pending payment
  • On hold
  • Refunded
  • Cancelled
  • Failed

Creating a custom WooCommerce order status

  1. Start by signing in to your WordPress site.
  2. On the left side menu, hover over WooCommerce and click on Settings.
  3. Inside of the WooCommerce settings page, navigate to the Order Statuses page.
  4. Here, you'll see a listing of the different order statuses currently available on your site. To create a new custom order status, click on the Add Order Status button at the top of the page.
  5. For brevity, we'll stick to configuring some basic settings, while skipping others. If you'd like more information on a particular setting, see our WooCommerece custom order status settings reference.
    Let's start configuring a custom status by filling in the Name field with the name of your new order status.
  6. For easier recognition at a glance, it's a good idea to use the Color, Icon, and Action Icon settings to assign an icon and color that describes the new order status.
  7. Using workflows makes it easier to track and set the next step in the order process. By using the Next Statuses field, you can define any statuses that could take place after the current status is complete.
  8. For more robust reporting, the Include in reports setting should be enabled to include this new custom status when generating reports.
  9. Finally, the Paid setting can be selected to determine if an order with this custom status should be identified as paid.
  10. With all of your settings in place, you're ready to click on the Save Order Status button and begin using your new order status.

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