Managed WordPress Ecommerce 도움말

Create variations for a variable product

Once you've created attributes for your variable product, you can create each unique variation. Variations can have different prices, images, SKUs, and descriptions specific to that variation. Variations are based on a combination of product attribute values.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click Products, which will expand and give additional options.
  3. Click All Products in the expanded Products menu.
  4. Select the variable product to edit.

    Note: Make sure that you create attributes first.

  5. In the Product data section, complete the following:
    • Go to the Variations section on the left menu to create variations from your attributes.
    • Select Add variation to add variations individually, or Create variations from all attributes to generate each variation based on the attributes you created, and click Go.
      • A pop-up modal will appear if you chose to create variations from all attributes. Choose OK to continue.
    • Click to expand each variation that's created. At a minimum, you will be required to add a price in order to save the variations you created.
      • To add the same price to all variations, select Set regular prices from the main dropdown and click Go.
      • A pop-up modal will appear. Enter the value and select OK.
  6. Click the Save Draft or Publish button near the top-right.

You can make changes to the product’s variations at any time.

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