Domains 도움말

Download an exported list of my domains

After you've exported a list of your domains, you can download the list from within your account. Exported lists will be available for download up to 28 days after the list is created.

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Domain Portfolio. (Need help logging in? Find your username or password.)
  2. From the side menu, select Settings and then select Exported Lists.
    screenshot of multiple domains selected
  3. Locate the list you want to download and select Download.
    • If you chose to Include authorization codes when the export was created AND at least one domain in the list has Domain Protection, you'll need to verify your identity. If you've had two-step verification (2SV) turned on for at least 24 hours, enter the code we sent via SMS, or enter the code from your authenticator app. Otherwise, enter the one-time password we sent to your registrant email address.
  4. Your file will start downloading immediately. Open the downloaded file to view the domain details and save the file locally to your device for future access.

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