SSL Certificates 도움말

Plesk: Install a certificate

Follow the instructions below to install the SSL certificate on your Web server. When you have completed the installation process, you must restart Parallels Plesk Panel so that your server will recognize the new certificate.

About the Intermediate Certificate

Before you install your issued SSL certificate, you must install our intermediate certificate on your Web server. Intermediate certificates provide an added level of security because the Certification Authority (CA) does not need to issue certificates directly from the CA root certificate.

An intermediate certificate is a subordinate certificate issued by the trusted root specifically to issue end-entity server certificates. The result is a trust-chain that begins at the trusted root CA, through the intermediate, and finally ending with the SSL certificate issued to you. Such certificates are called "chained root certificates."

You can download the intermediate/root certificate bundle from our repository.

After you download the bundled certificate, intermediate certificate, and your issued SSL certificate, install all of the files on your Web server. For more information, see Download my SSL certificate files.

To Install SSL and Intermediate Certificates in Parallels Plesk Panel 17 & 18

  1. Log in to Parallels Plesk Panel as admin.
  2. If necessary, switch to Service Provider view.
  3. From the Hosting Services menu, select Domains.
  4. Select on the domain name that the certificate is issued for.
  5. On the Dashboard, select SSL/TLS Certificates.
  6. Under Download or remove existing certificates select Manage.
  7. Under Name, select the certificate you want to use.
  8. Next to the Certificate (*.crt) field, select Browse.
  9. Locate your signed CRT file, such as 123456789.crt, and then select Open.
  10. Next to the CA certificate (*-ca.crt) field, select Browse.
  11. Locate the certificate bundle, and then select Open.
  12. Select Upload Certificate.
  13. Go back to the Dashboard for your domain, and then select the Hosting & DNS tab.
  14. select Hosting Settings.
  15. Make sure that Enable SSL support is selected, and then select your SSL certificate from the menu.
  16. Select OK.
  17. If your server is running Linux, stop and start the Apache process. If your server is running Windows, stop and start the IIS service.

Your SSL certificate should now be installed. If you have problems, see Test your SSL's configuration to help diagnose issues.