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Set up the Checkout Field Editor plugin

With the Checkout Field Editor plugin you can optimize your store's checkout process by adding, removing, or editing fields to suit your needs. This article will walk you through the basic setup and configuration options for the plugin.

Required: Checkout Field Editor is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.

To view the main configuration page for Checkout Field Editor:

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Checkout Fields
From here, you should see a tab for each of the three different sets of fields that you can edit. Those are:
  • Billing Fields: These are part of the main checkout process and gather payment and billing information from customers
  • Shipping Fields: Also part of the main checkout process, these fields gather customer shipping information
  • Additional Fields: These fields appear after the previous sections and next to things like order notes if enabled.

Each tab has a listing of fields and columns with attributes which can be edited. Some fields are considered "core" fields, and some options will be disabled and unavailable for editing. Below you can find information about the various options in these tables:

Attributes - Each Column

  • Name: The name of the field. This must be unique and is used as the meta key for this field's data.
  • Type: The kind of input that will be accepted in the field. More on these below.
  • Label: The label for the field which will appear on the checkout page.
  • Placholder/Option Values: The name of the field. This must be unique and is used as the meta key for this field's data.
  • Position: Applies CSS styling to the field to place it to the left or right, or make it the full width of it's parent.
  • Validation Rules: Use Required to make a field mandatory during the checkout process. Email, Phone, and Number settings require field input to match their respective types of data.
  • Display Options: Select if fields should display in Emails, including any order emails where the address information would appear, or Order Detail Pages, which includes Thank You and My Account pages for customers and the Edit Order page for admins.

More about Attribute Types

  • Text: A standard text input box.
  • Password: Input will be hidden with a toggle for the customer to show/hide input in the box.
  • Textarea: A larger, resizable text input box.
  • Select: A dropdown box that allows customers to select a single option. Must have options set in the Option Values column.
  • Multiselect: A dropdown box that allows customers to select multiple options. Also requires options to be set in the Option Values column.
  • Radio: A set of radio buttons that allows customers to select a single option. Must have options set in the Option Values column.
  • Checkbox: A single checkbox toggle. The field's Label is displayed next to the box.
  • Date Picker: A dropdown JavaScript calendar picker. Date is stored as a text value.
  • Heading: Uses the field's Label as a formatted heading so you can visually separate and group fields on the checkout page.

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