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WooCommerce Order Status Manager

WooCommerce Order Status Manager gives you the ability to create your own order statuses and add icons, bulk actions, action buttons to your orders page, and even assign emails to your new statuses. Please note that custom statuses are manually applied and are not automatic at this time.order stages.

Required: WooCommerce Order Status Manager is a premium WooCommerce extension included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce, Managed WooCommerce Stores or as a standalone purchase.

Installation and setup

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. From the left-hand menu, go to WooCommerce and click on Extensions.
  3. From the GoDaddy Included Extensions list, scroll to Order Status Manager and click on Install.

After installing you will have an Order Statuses tab in your WooCommerce settings to view and manage the order statuses in your shop.

Add custom statuses individually

Create a new status by clicking Add Order Status at the top and setting the following information:

  • Name: The name for the status displayed on all order information.
  • Slug: Identifies this status for use in custom code. Best practices include using a hyphenated version of your name for the slug and not changing it.
  • Description (optional) - Displays to customers when they're viewing an order.
  • Color: The color of the order status icon.
  • Icon: An icon associated with this status. A text badge will be used if an icon is not selected.
  • Action Icon: Appears in Order Actions if the status is available as a next status.
  • Next Statuses: Select the custom or core statuses that will come after this one sequentially and be displayed in the order action buttons.
  • Bulk Action: Adds a bulk action for this status on the Orders page so you can select multiple orders and set them to this status in bulk.
  • Include in Reports: Includes orders with this status in your sales reporting.
  • Paid: Determines the payment status this order status is associated with.
    • Orders with this status have been paid: This status signifies that payment has been received and will be treated like processing or completed.
    • Orders with this status require payment: Similar to pending payment or failed with the Pay and Cancel options displayed in the customers account section. Access to downloads or other aspects of your store that require payment will not be allowed until the order is paid.
    • Orders are neither paid nor require payment (default): Similar to on-hold or refunded. Customers will not have the same access as is associated with a paid order and will not be shown payment or cancel links in the account.

Once you've created your status, click Save Order Status and your new status will be created. Before you complete order status setup, you may want to edit core statuses and add any Next Statuses, as needed.

Import custom statuses

Import custom order statuses you've created via code snippet or another plugin by clicking the Import custom statuses button at the bottom. Any statuses you've created via custom code or 3rd party plugins (such as Pre-Orders) will be imported.

Note: This action can be repeated in the future if you end up installing other plugins.

After importing you'll see your newly added order statuses available in the list to manage and configure to use in emails.

Note: You can click anywhere on the statuses to drag and drop them into your desired order for how they'll display on the Edit Order page and within the order bulk actions dropdown.
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Set up emails

  1. Go to WooCommerce and click on Settings.
  2. Select the Order Statuses tab and click on Email.
  3. Click on the Add Order Status Email button and add the following information:
    • Name: Displays in the Emails list for your reference.
    • Type: Determines whether it is sent to the admin email addresses or the customer.
    • Description (optional) - Displays in the Emails list for your reference.
    • When to dispatch: Determines the order status changes that will trigger this email to send.
      Note: If From Status and To Status are set to the same status, the email will not send.
    • Dispatch when a new order is created (optional) - Allows sending the email when a new order is placed.
  4. Click on Save Email.

Add email content

  1. Go to Marketing and click on Emails.
  2. Select the Emails tab and click on the Extensions category.
  3. Click on the new email you created in the above steps and configure the following:
    • Enable/Disable: Enable to make it active upon saving.
    • Subject: Email subject recipients will see.
    • Email Heading: Main heading of the email notification.
    • Email Body (optional): Any custom body text you'd like to include in the email notification.
    • Email type: Set the email to send as Plain text, HTML, or Multipart format.
  4. Click on Save changes.

Order details will automatically be displayed after your content, but this template can be overridden in your theme if desired for further editing.

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Usage: order statuses

Your new order statuses, corresponding icons, bulk actions, and action buttons will now be displayed in your orders list if used. You'll be able to view these icons if an order uses your custom status.

If you've created Next statuses for your custom statuses, or added a custom status to the "Next status" for a core status, the appropriate action buttons will be displayed. For example, note the processing order in the screenshot below. I've added Assembling and Awaiting shipment as next statuses for processing orders, so these action buttons will now be displayed for any order marked as processing.

If you've enabled bulk actions for a status, it will be added to the "Bulk Actions" list in the top left of your orders screen. By selecting statuses and using a bulk action, they will all be updated to this status automatically.

Deleting statuses

If you attempt to delete an order status, Order Status Manager will check if the order status is being used.

  • If no orders currently use this status, it will be deleted automatically.
  • If orders currently use this status, you'll be asked to reassign these to a new status or delete automatically. If you want to reassign these to your new status, select the correct status to use and click Reassign and delete.
  • If you do a simple Delete, any order that used this status will be moved to On hold so you can proceed from there.
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