Managed WordPress Ecommerce 도움말

Configure Stripe settings

After Stripe has been connected successfully, you'll have access to some extra settings that allow you to customize your customers' experience.

  1. Sign in to WordPress
  2. From the left side menu under WooCommerce, select Settings.
  3. Select the Payments tab.
  4. Locate Stripe and select Manage.
Currently, you can enable more payment methods supported by Stripe by clicking here and logging into your Stripe account.

On that page, you'll find the following settings:


Below you'll find more information about the integration's general settings:


Enabling this will add Stripe payment methods to your checkout that you have enabled and configured in your Stripe Connect dashboard. Disabling this will remove Stripe from your checkout. This setting does not connect or disconnect Stripe. To connect Stripe, follow the instructions in the previous step.

Connect / Disconnect Stripe Account

Allows you to connect and disconnect your Stripe account.

Checkout Settings

The following settings allow you to further customize the customers' checkout experience.

Accepted Cards

Select which card logos to display at checkout. Only display the cards that are accepted by your Stripe account. This setting is only to display the card logos and has no impact on which cards are accepted by your merchant account.

Save Cards

Let customers save their payment methods for future use at checkout.

Detailed Decline Messages

Where possible, enabling this setting will display detailed messages to customers if their payment is declined, instead of generic error messages.

Transaction Type

You can select how transactions should be processed in your shop. More specifically, there are two options available:

  1. Charge: all transactions will be captured and submitted for settlement right away, without any further actions needed from you
  2. Authorization: orders will be authorized but you'll need to capture the amount whenever you're ready. You can do that by navigating to the WooCommerce > Settings > Orders page and clicking on a specific order. A Capture Charge button will be available there to allow you to proceed with capturing the amount for that order.

Debug mode

Enable debug logging if there are issues processing transactions. This can help provide more details for troubleshooting. Do not enable this setting unless there are issues with Stripe.

After you're done making any changes to the settings above, don't forget to click on the Save button at the end of the page.