Websites + Marketing 도움말

Use Vimeo videos in Websites + Marketing

GoDaddy and Vimeo have partnered together so you can upload your own videos right into your Websites + Marketing site.

For more information about our partnership, select a question to see its answer:

What does the GoDaddy + Vimeo partnership do for me?

You get access to a suite of video marketing tools to get your site looking and performing its best. Included with your Websites + Marketing plan, you’ll get:

  • The ability to easily upload videos and add them directly into your website.
  • Access to 5 GB of video storage.
  • Access to video player privacy controls and other player customizations like logos, brand colors and more.
  • Robust video analytics to track your video performance.

If you need additional storage or advanced customization, see Vimeo’s plans and pricing.

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How much does it cost?

For most of our users, there is no additional cost. It’s included free in all Websites + Marketing sites.

The first three videos you upload (up to 5 GB total) will be added straight to your Media Library. Once you’ve connected your GoDaddy and Vimeo accounts, you’ll be able to edit and configure your uploaded videos. However, you won’t be able to edit or configure your video unless you connect your GoDaddy and Vimeo accounts.

At any time, you can create a new Vimeo account (included free with your Websites + Marketing site), or you can connect to an existing Vimeo account. Once you connect, you’ll be able to upload up to 10 videos per day, up to 500 MB per week, up to a total of 5 GB, whichever comes first. You can also edit or configure your video player settings.

If you need to upload more videos per week or more videos in total, or you want advanced customization, you may upgrade your Vimeo account for an additional cost. See Vimeo’s plans and pricing for additional data up to 7 TB and advanced features such as the ability to work on your videos with a team, answer questions in real time during livestreaming and more.

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How do I upload a video?

For the first three videos, you’ll upload your video into your site header or any section that allows video. You can also create a customized video.

At any time, connect to Vimeo with your GoDaddy account and then upload your videos as before. Connecting your GoDaddy account to Vimeo allows you to upload more videos and configure the video player.

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Do I need a different Vimeo account for every website?

No. All of your media is shared between all of your sites, whether it’s images or video. It also keeps things simple for only need to log in to Vimeo once with your GoDaddy information.

You can have other Vimeo accounts using other logins, but you can only connect Vimeo and GoDaddy once with your GoDaddy account.

If you have more than one GoDaddy account, then each GoDaddy account will have its own corresponding Vimeo account.

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How can videos help my business?

Advances in technology make videos so easy and popular that they’ve become almost expected. And for good reason: video is a great way to capture people’s attention and grow your brand.

We know that video can help your website perform better through increased traffic, engagement, and conversions to paying customers — we hear it from small business owners who tell us how well video drives important messages and connects them with their audience.

We’re confident that a partnership between GoDaddy and Vimeo will be a great win for you, not just because Vimeo leads in the industry in terms of video quality, but also because Vimeo provides the tools you need to fully utilize the power of video.

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